The association will be named The Association of Animal Artists. This name may be shortened to AAA or the Association in this and other documents.

The aims of the Association of Animal Artists are:

  • To support and encourage all levels of animal artists by providing a warm and friendly environment.

  • To include any subject of animal art equally.

  • To be as inclusive as possible for all members.

  • To provide opportunities to members in the form of exhibitions, competitions and promotion.

  • To support a yearly chosen charity via fundraising efforts.

Members of the Association of Animal Artists are defined as anyone who has applied for membership, been accepted for membership and has paid their annual membership fee (with a few named exceptions such as those awarded lifetime membership for their service to the Association).

Membership begins once their annual membership fee has been paid and lasts for one year. Members will be contacted to renew their memberships shortly before the end of their membership term.

A list of all members, current and expired, will be kept by the Membership Secretary (with access granted to the Chair and Treasurer). A list is also held by the webmaster for the purposes of managing the email contact list.

Membership fees are to be reviewed yearly and any changes to fees will be put before members at the annual AGM.

People can apply for membership via the online form on the Association website and once an application is approved they will be invited to become a member of the Association. Members may resign at any time in writing to the secretary. Any member who has not paid their membership fee for three months after the end of their membership will be considered as having resigned and will need to reapply to become a member. Any offensive behaviour including but not limited to; racism, sexism, bullying or inflammatory remarks will not be tolerated. The committee reserve the right to revoke the membership of any member seen as behaving offensively or not accepting of the aims of the association. Members removed in this manner are welcome to write to the secretary to ask for the decision to be reconsidered, which would be discussed at the following committee meeting.

Membership includes the following:

  • Opportunity to enter exhibitions and competitions held by the Association of Animal Artists.

  • Access to the private members group on Facebook.

  • Opportunity to join in with activities held by the Association; such as members meet up days, online talks and the regular online zoom social.

  • Promotion by the Association on their social media channels, website and via press and other outlets.

  • Option to join in with charity fundraising for the annual chosen charity. Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities:
The Association of Animal Artists will not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race (including colour, ethnic or national origin), sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, religious or political belief, pregnancy or maternity, marital status or age.

In accordance with the Association’s aims the Association of Animal Artists will aim to be as inclusiveas possible for all members. This includes increased use of digital and online methods of communication. The business of the Association of Animal Artists will be carried out by a committee of it’s members.

The business of the Association of Animal Artists will be carried out by a committee of it’s members. The committee will comprise of a minimum of three members (the core committee roles) and up to a total of 20 committee members overall.

The core committee consists of;

  • Chairperson

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

These core positions must be filled for the Association to continue to carry out it’s duties. The core committee members are voted for at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) - except in extenuating circumstances. Core committee members will need to be re-elected after a period of three years.

Other named roles in the committee include; Webmaster, Membership Coordinator, Marketing Lead,Social Media Lead, Newsletter and Exhibition Coordinator (currently combined with the Chairpersonrole). Additional committee members may join on a general task basis. Committee members outsideof the core committee will be decided on by the committee and must be re-elected by thecommittee after a period of three years.

All committee roles (including core roles) can be combined if necessary. Committee members may resign at any time in writing to the Chairperson.

Any committee member not attending a meeting for three months without an apology or who isn’t fulfilling the requirements of their role will be contacted to see if they wish to resign from the committee.

Committee members may resign at any time in writing to the Chairperson.

Annual General Meeting:
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held yearly and within 15 months of the previous AGM.The AGM will be held online or a combination of online and in person to allow for the inclusion of as many members as possible (including the growing number of international members). In extenuating circumstances where an AGM cannot be held ‘live’ the relevant documents and information will be circulated to all members with the option for feedback from members.

AGMs will include the following;

  • Reports from the Chairperson and Treasurer.

  • Approval of the annual accounts.

  • Nominations of the annual charity for the succeeding year.

  • Voting of core committee members.

  • Notification of changes to the constitution will be presented by the Chairperson.

  • Items for discussion from members will be presented by the Secretary.

  • Any other items for discussion as outlined in the agenda.

Members will be provided the date and time of the AGM both via email and in the private facebook group. Members can submit items for discussion at the AGM up to 7 days before the time and date of the AGM.

A quorum of five members (of which two must be currently serving core committee members) is equired to pass and agree items for discussion. These members may also be committee members.

Minutes from the AGM along with reports will be circulated to all members after the AGM has been held.

Committee Meetings:
Committee meetings are to be held regularly and not less than four times a year. These meetings can be held online, in person or a combination depending on the availability of committee members. Committee meetings are to discuss the day to day business of the Association and make decisions for the Association. These meetings are not open to members of the Association who are not members of the committee.

Committee members are asked to send apologies if they are not able to attend a meeting.

Meetings must be attended by a minimum of two core committee members.

All committee meetings will be minuted.

Members will be informed of any necessary decisions and information over email and social media and will be invited to comment.Special General Meetings:

Special General Meetings:
In the event of important information/decisions, exceptional circumstances or multiple requestsfrom members of the Association, the committee may call for a Special General Meeting (SGM). A SGM is open to all members of the Association and is used to discuss important and pressing matters.

Members will be given a minimum of one weeks notice of a SGM via email communication and in the private facebook group. Members will be provided with a time, date, agenda and information of how to join.

Special general meetings will be held online to allow for as many members as possible to attend.

Minutes will be taken and distributed to all members after the meeting.

The Association of Animal Artists is classified as an unincorporated association.

The Association will retain a bank account in it’s own name at a bank agreed by the committee.

Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement will be provided at each AGM. This financial statement is audited and approved by an independent accountant agreed and retained by the committee. The Treasure role is a core role and must be filleat all times for the Association to continue.

All money raised by or on behalf of the Association of Animal Artists will be used to further it’s aims (as detailed in the constitution).

Amendments to the Constitution:
Changes to the constitution can be proposed at any committee meeting and must be approved by a majority of the committee attending the meeting. These changes can be distributed to members after the meeting if necessary or can be presented at the next AGM.

Members are welcome to suggest amendments to the constitution by putting the proposed changes in writing to the Secretary or Chairperson. These will then be discussed at the next committee meeting.

If necessary the committee may decide to hold a Special General Meeting with members to discuss changes to the constitution.

If a committee meeting; by simple majority, inability to fulfil constitution or inability to continue duties, decides that it is necessary to close down the group it may call a Special General Meeting to do so. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve the group and will include all members. If it is agreed to dissolve the group, all remaining money and other assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to that year’s chosen charitable organisation. If no organisation has been chosen for that year then an organisation will be agreed at the meeting by majority vote. Members will be given a minimum of one weeks notice of a SGM via email and in the private facebook group. Members will be provided with a time, date, agenda and information of how to join. If agreed to dissolve the group a final date will be set for dissolution.

If it is agreed to dissolve the group, all remaining money and other assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to that year’s chosen charitable organisation. If no organisation has been chosen for that year then an organisation will be agreed at the meeting by majority vote.