I am a passionate wildlife artist and photographer.  From around 8 years of age, armed with a basic wetfilm SLR I would be outdoors photographing wildlife.  I also really enjoyed drawing as a child and teenager, mostly cartoons and animals at that time but then drew very little till nearly 40 years later when I moved to Devon and joined a local art group in 2022.   With my photographer’s eye for detail, and newfound love of drawing, I found that he could create realistic and vibrant animal paintings/drawings using pastels.  My focus almost always starts on the eyes as this sets the mood and detail for the rest of the drawing and I am fascinated with the different shapes and colours of animal eyes and how and why they differ between species.  I have been on a number of safaris to Africa to photograph, study and draw some of my favourite big cats, elephants, birds and other animals in their natural habitat.  I also love photographing and drawing pets, farm animals and wild animals native to the UK.

I use panpastels and unison soft pastels for their vibrancy and ease of blending to paint my base layers with ‘sofft’ sponge, then faber castell pitt pastel and stabilo carbothello pastel pencils to layer in the details on Clairfontaine Pastelmat, taking between 15-25 hours for each original piece.

Website: www.stevesavageart.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/steve_savage_art/

E-mail: stevesavageart@outlook.com