NAME:  Sarah Corrigan

LOCATION:  County Durham Northeast England, childhood in Northumberland.

DID YOU HAVE ANY FORMAL TRAINING?  Degree in Geology with full time job to pay bills … Degree in Fine Art later to cheer myself up…

I have always drawn whether it be pencil, pen and ink, charcoal and so on.... but sustenance required a sensible job, so it took a bit of a back seat for several years. However, I missed it so much, I went back to art classes, then a foundation course and then a degree. My venture into oil painting has largely been self-taught with a great amount of research and practice. I love painting realism in layers and glazes as oil paint lends to wonderful luminosity.

SUBJECT OF CHOICE:  Wildlife, livestock, portraiture and the rare landscape which may become more frequent. 

MEDIUM OF CHOICE:  Oil paint and occasional charcoal.

WHAT INSPIRES YOU?  Many things…on a grand scale the often-unforgiving northern landscape and survival within it, farming, working the land, the cycles of life of the natural world and how we interact with it ….to the simplicity of capturing in a moment, the very essence of an animal.

DO YOU HAVE ANY ARTISTIC AMBITIONS THAT YOU ARE WORKING TOWARDS? Artistically by improving my practise, learning, gaining fluidity and confidence and on the opposite spectrum becoming more businesslike, fine-tuning ideas, gaining a wider audience and potentially selling more works….. Ahh the dream…  less time at the pc and more time at the easel!



