LOCATION: Herefordshire, UK 

 DID YOU HAVE ANY FORMAL TRAINING?  No - predominantly self-taught

SUBJECT OF CHOICE: Domestic animals (pet portraits) and farm animals

 MEDIUM OF CHOICE : Acrylics and pastels

 WHAT INSPIRES YOU? The character & expression in animal faces

 DO YOU HAVE ANY ARTISTIC AMBITIONS THAT YOU ARE WORKING TOWARDS?  I would love to have a piece of work exhibited in the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition


WEBSITE: www.rosiemarkartwork.co.uk
FACEBOOK: @rosiemarkartwork
TWITTER : @Rosieartwork
INSTAGRAM : /rosiemarkartwork

 EXHIBITIONS: Paisley Art Institute Annual Exhibitions 2018 & 2019

I have undertaken many commissions of pet portraits and have also run a few workshops in a friend’s studio on step by step pastel and acrylic animal portraits.  I was also invited to do a demo of an acrylic cow painting at an art group.