I live in North Staffordshire on the edge of the Peak District and Staffordshire Moorlands.
I have always had a love for drawing since I was a small child. After leaving High School in 1979 OI completed a Foundation Course in Art and then went on to get my BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art.
Despite this artistic start I then worked in the print and design industry for the better part of 30 years as a graphic designer and illustrator.
In 2014 I decided I had had enough of the industry and took the plunge to try and make my living doing what I love, painting and drawing. I offer pet portraits and wildlife originals and prints.
I work with pastels on Pastelmat paper using the finest materials I can afford.
I am still inspired by our wonderful countryside and the wildlife it supports. I also support my local Wildlife Trust and other animal organizations.

Awards: SAA Category Winner 2022, Best Animal or Wildlife
Website: www.chrisdobsonartist.co.uk
Facebook: Chris Dobson Artist